sry xee i write in dif language depends on mood.
nothing special today.felt hapi coz i managed to finish washing today's cloth..playing guitar for the whole morning and afternoon.cant sing out loud leh..coz i dunno my housemates,and i dunno whether they noe hw to evaluate music.if not,tat wud be sort of disturb for them.owh,is time to ready for the new semester.but the x-ing x-shit utar hasn't upload new stuff yet.their efficiency is reallly too low.
i found out i could finish 1 big bottle of water everyday, tat v big water container we oways use to load,i have to go refill everyday.70sen can almost filled it upto full.there are many type of water machines in happy mansion,section 17 here.for eg:RO water,oxygen water, and what "healthy water".i don't think they change the filter according to their life the water will not contain so much minerals or nutrient.but the water machines are really convenient for me, and other students;for the reason of the pipewater in section 17 is occasionaly dirty.
aooo..i have really nothing much to talk lonely here.being alone for the wholeday.and today i only talked to master chew,some ppl who playing basketball with me, and the restaurant's lao ban niang.oh!and i chat with 1 of the housemates today coz some1 came for fogging today.i asked him whether he want to keep back his clothes,coz they will begin to fog in just awhile,and he gave me a ridiculous at last,i kept back all my clothes,pants, and underwear.they started to spray that killing stuff.then,i think my housemate's cloth ended up mixing with aerosol,will he die becoz of wearing those clothes??i dunno,but i'hv understood why the big gor gor said that guy is damn dirty.
so today i only spen rm3.60 and 70sen for "healthy water"(really healthy??).total up rm4.30 ^^
is time to sleep.i got lot of things to do everyday.don't waste your time.
life is short, play hard.^#^


♥ xee ♥ | October 16, 2009 at 12:13 PM

It's ok my dear
I miss the time sing with you and learn guitar from you

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